Overcoming loneliness: 3 practical strategies

How overcoming loneliness with 3 practical strategies to help you feel less alone.

Whether you’re looking for advice for yourself or to help someone close to you, we’re here to help you better understand what loneliness is, how it affects people’s daily lives and, above all, how to overcome it.

Understanding loneliness and its effects on mental health

Loneliness is a complex phenomenon that can have a significant impact on mental health. Understanding the different types of loneliness and its effects is essential to finding effective solutions to overcome it.

The different types of loneliness

Emotional loneliness

Emotional loneliness is characterized by a lack of deep connection with others. People suffering from emotional loneliness may feel misunderstood, even in the presence of others.

Social loneliness

Social loneliness refers to the absence of meaningful social contacts. This can occur when someone feels isolated and disconnected from those around them, whether due to physical distance or a lack of close social relationships including social networks.

solitude sociale situationnelle émotionnellesolitude personnes agées

Situational loneliness

Situational loneliness is often the result of temporary circumstances such as a move to a new location, the loss of a loved one, or retirement. These situations can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, particularly noticeable in older people without intergenerational cohabitation.

The effects of loneliness on mental health

Loneliness can have a significant impact on mental health, contributing to problems such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.


Prolonged loneliness can lead to feelings of sadness and despair, which can go on to develop into clinical depression.


Lack of social connection can lead to anxiety, negative thoughts and feelings of vulnerability.


Loneliness can negatively affect self-esteem, leading to feelings of insecurity and low self-worth.

Emotional signs of loneliness

In addition to its effects on mental health, loneliness can manifest itself through a variety of emotional and physical signs.

Persistent sadness

People who feel lonely can experience persistent sadness for no apparent reason, which can become overwhelming.

Feeling of emptiness

Emotional emptiness can set in, giving the impression that nothing and no-one can fill the void.

Loneliness can lead to a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, giving way to a feeling of apathy.

solitude vide émotionnel

Physical signs of loneliness

In addition to emotional signs, loneliness can also manifest itself through physical symptoms.

Constant fatigue

The feeling of loneliness can be accompanied by persistent fatigue, even after adequate rest.

Sleep problems

People who feel lonely may find it difficult to fall asleep or maintain restful sleep.

Frequent illnesses

A weakened immune system due to loneliness can make a person more prone to illness and infection.

3 practical strategies for overcoming loneliness

To overcome loneliness, we suggest 3 practical strategies that can help you regain a sense of connection and well-being.

Seeking professional support

Consult a therapist

A psychologist or therapist can help explore the causes of loneliness and develop strategies for coping.

Using online therapy platforms

Online therapy platforms offer convenient access to professional support, making it possible to receive help at a distance.

séance psychotherapie
Consult a practitioner to understand your loneliness

Strengthening social ties

Strengthening social ties

Participating in groups or clubs focused on common interests can help you meet new people and become more socially integrated.

Renewing old relationships

Getting in touch with old friends or family members can help you reconnect and feel less isolated. This is particularly true for the elderly, who can turn to their families or, why not, intergenerational cohabitation.

solitude cohabitation intergénérationelle

Participate in community activities

Getting involved in community activities allows you to meet new people and feel part of a community.

Taking care of yourself

Adopt a healthy daily routine

A balanced routine of regular activities can help maintain structure and promote a sense of well-being.

Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity is good for mental health and can help reduce the effects of loneliness.

activité physique et impact sur la solitude et la santé mentale

Practicing mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness and meditation can help cultivate a calm, centered state of mind, reducing feelings of loneliness.


Loneliness can be a difficult challenge to overcome, but by seeking professional support, strengthening social ties and taking care of yourself, it’s possible to regain a sense of connection and well-being.

It’s important to accept the ups and downs, be patient and persevere, while focusing on the progress made through follow-up with your psychotherapy practitioner.


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